Hey Citizen! We Need Your Help


Austin City Limits Radio Needs Some Guidance!

Hi!  I’m reaching out this time about that annual technology survey that we do.  I know–maybe you’ve taken it before, but the last eleven months or so have been the weirdest ever.  We’re trying to get a read on how your habits may have changed, in terms of how you like to consume ACL Radio content.

So, below, there’s about a 15 minute survey pertaining to how you use the radio and other devices, along with social media and the web to stay informed about music and more. Per usual, this is strictly between you and us–we don’t share or sell your info.  We use it exclusively to help us serve you better.  Feel free to pause, save, and return to the questionnaire, as needed.  Here’s the link:


And thank you so much taking part, and for listening to ACL Radio!

Lynn Barstow
Program Director
Austin City Limits Radio

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