Leon Bridges and Terrace Martin Share Track ‘Sweeter’

Leon Bridges - Sweeter ft. Terrace Martin

Leon Bridges and Terrace Martin’s powerful new track “Sweeter” addresses the pain and fear a person of color experiences in an oppressed world.

“Hoping for a life more sweeter / Instead I’m just a story repeating / Why do I fear with skin dark as night /  Can’t feel peace with those judging eyes,” sings Bridges.

“Sweeter” was going to be a future release for Bridges and Terrace. Instead, the two released their collaboration early as people in the nation and around the world continue to assemble for anti-racist protests and show their support to the Black Lives Matter movement.

In a statement, Bridges said “Sweeter” should be listened “from the perspective of a black man. A black man taking his last breath as his mind body and soul is having a flashback. A flashback because his life is being taken from him. It’s the perpetual story.”



“Growing up in Texas I have personally experienced racism, my friends have experienced racism,” said the Grammy winner on Instagram. “From adolescence we’re taught how to conduct ourselves when we encounter police to avoid the consequences of being racially profiled. I have been numb for too long, calloused when it came to the issues of police brutality. The death of George Floyd was the straw that broke the camels back for me. It was the first time I wept for a man I never met. I am George Floyd, my brothers are George Floyd, and my sisters are George Floyd. I cannot and will not be silent any longer. Just as Abel’s blood was crying out to God, George Floyd is crying out to me. So, I present to you Sweeter.”


Terrace Martin said, “This is meditation music; it is not music for the ears but rather music for the heart. I truly believe that eyes have been deceiving us for so long but the heart always tells the truth.”

Watch the music video below.


Photo: YouTube

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