Mosser Show Notes Mon 7/13: Cougars VS COVID, Art Supports Music, Big Byrds Birthday

mosser voted
Yours truly, immediately after voting early last week.

Election Day is tomorrow (Tuesday July 14). We’ve been blessed in Austin with a busy early turnout for a runoff election, in spite of (because of?) a raging pandemic and the struggle to respond. For those of you who waited until the big day, do consider that we expect extremely hot weather on Tuesday, and that if you’re lucky, any waiting in line you’ll have to do will happen outside – no fun in 103-degree heat. My advice is to be in line at 6:45 for the 7am open, get it done and get home. Some water and some sun cover either in a big hat or an umbrella would be a great move too. Happy voting and be safe.



Everybody’s interested in positive news relating to the pandemic, and it’s especially sweet when it comes out of Texas. Researchers at the University of Houston have developed an air filter specifically designed to “catch and kill” coronavirus particles – if it could be manufactured to scale, it would be a game-changing weapon in the war against COVID-19.

niva logo

We’re all still reeling from last week’s revelation that Austin is facing the closure of almost all of its live music venues before the end of the year. Efforts to stave off this ill end have not ceased however – we direct you to Bring Music Home, a photography and film project conceived with the goal of supporting NIVA, the National Independent Venue Association, doing all they can for live music venues in their hour of most grievous need. There’s a terrific Austin poster available.

And…today is the 78th birthday of Roger McGuinn of The Byrds.

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