Support Houston Area Flood Survivors

Tropical Storm Imelda Support Flood Survivors

It’s been less than a week since Tropical Storm Imelda brought significant rain to parts of southeast Texas and Louisiana. Some areas received over 40 inches of rain in just a few days, making it the worst storm in Texas since Hurricane Harvey—which reached approximately 60 inches of rain. Early reports from Beaumont and Winnie indicate that more than 1,000 homes have been evacuated due to flooding, though that number is expected to grow as damage assessments are still ongoing. Overall, five deaths have been reported.

Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN) has launched a supply drive along with plans for a major deployment later this week. Those interested in donating supplies are being asked to assemble Care Kits for survivors and/or Clean-Up Buckets. Care Kits consist of basic hygiene and personal items and will be distributed to individuals and families displaced from their homes due to flooding. Clean-Up Buckets will be distributed to residents and muck-out teams will clear mud and debris from flooded homes. Find a full list of items needed for Care Kits and Clean-Up Buckets below. 

If you would rather make a monetary donation, ADRN anticipates needing $100,000 minimally to begin providing emergency financial assistance to the families impacted. Funds will be distributed in the form of gift cards, emergency housing, emergency transportation, and/or building materials to meet immediate and long-term needs. You can make a tax-deductible contribution here.


CARE KIT ASSEMBLY AND DONATION – Following is a list of items needed for CARE KITS:

• Towel (if family kit, purchase 4)

• Washcloth (if family kit, purchase 4)

• Soap

• Tissue

• Toothbrush (If family kit, purchase 4)

• Toothpaste

• Deodorant (If family kit, purchase 4)

• Feminine Products (family or female version only)

• Shampoo

• Comb (if family kit, purchase 4)

• Blanket (if family kit, purchase 4)

• Pillow (as many as you can fit in if it is a family kit)

• Wipes

• Baby Bottles/Formula (with baby version only)

• Diapers (with baby version only)

• Baby Food (with baby version only)

• A note of encouragement for the family or individual


CARE KIT Assembly Instructions:

1. Determine if you want to build a Family Care Kit, Family Care Kit with Baby, Individual Male Care Kit and/or Individual Female Care Kit. Go shopping!

2. Purchase a sturdy plastic container with a lid so we can easily stack them for shipping.

3. Fill the container with listed items above.

4. Place a 12” strip of grey duct-tape on the top of your container to label (duct-tape is preferred). Using a permanent marker, indicate if the kit is a Family Care Kit, a Family with Baby Care Kit, an Individual Male Care Kit, or an Individual Female Care Kit.

5. Drop your Care Kit(s) off at Hope Family Thrift Store, 1122 East 51st Street, Austin, 78723 (Monday-

Saturday, 10AM-5PM, Closed on Sunday)


CLEAN-UP BUCKET ASSEMBLY AND DONATION – Following is a list of items needed for CLEAN-UP BUCKETS:

• 1 Bucket

• 1 Lid

• 1 16 oz spray bottle

• 1 Antibacterial multi-purpose cleaner

• 1 can of powder cleanser

• 1 package of 2 scrub brushes

• 1 bar of soap (Lava if available)

• 2 packages of large Latex gloves (2 pairs per packet)

• 2 scrubbing sponges (Brillo or 3M scrub pads)

• 2 regular sponges

• 1 pair of safety goggles

• 2 cloth rags

• 1 roll of Heavy-Duty black contractor trash bags

• 1 radial dish brush

• 3 N-95 masks

• 1 60-ounce (1/2 gallon) bottle of bleach

• 2 Ziploc quart-size bags

Warning: NEVER Combine Bleach and Ammonia/Vinegar/Rubbing Alcohol. NEVER Combine Hydrogen Peroxide and Vinegar


CLEAN-UP BUCKET Assembly Instructions:

1. Items should be placed within the bucket with the lid fastened tightly in place.

2. Drop your CLEAN-UP BUCKET(s) off at Hope Family Thrift Store, 1122 East 51st Street, Austin, 78723

(Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-5 PM, Closed on Sunday)

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