Texas State University to Resume In-Person Courses


Texas State University President Denise Trauth has announced in-person classes will continue beginning with the second summer session on July 6.  In preparation, Texas State University officials say several pandemic and post-pandemic work groups have been formed to address areas related to safety, learning, and university operations.

During the current spring semester in response to the coronavirus pandemic, Texas State transitioned more than 5,200 courses to remote delivery on March 30, and approximately 5,000 students moved from the San Marcos Campus. The university has remained open with essential staffing through the spring semester, supporting students virtually and on campuses. More than 80-percent of faculty and staff are working remotely to sustain university operations.  Summer I classes will continue to be delivered remotely, with plans for students returning to the university on July 6 for the summer II session.

“As we anticipate returning to face-to-face instruction for summer II classes and the fall semester, we are working to adapt university operations to ensure we have a safe, healthy learning and working environment for our students, faculty and staff,” said Texas State President Denise Trauth. “When we return to in-person instruction, we are preparing to operate in a very different environment. I have established five work groups to create a university-wide plan that will drive the actions we will take to mitigate risks, deliver quality education, and protect our university community.”

The work groups, comprised of university faculty and staff subject matter experts, include: 1) Continuity of Education to make recommendations regarding instructional delivery and explore scenarios related to face-to-face delivery; 2) Health, Safety and Wellness to develop process and protocols to mitigate risks and ensure a healthy community environment; 3) Continuity of Housing to address the return of students living on the San Marcos Campus; 4) Continuity of Research to develop a plan to safely resume research activities; and 5) Faculty and Staff Morale to address employee needs and well-being.

“In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, uncertainty abounds. Texas State University is committed to entering the unchartered waters wisely. Together, we have the knowledge, creativity, and ingenuity to face challenges associated with the COVID-19 crisis and come out of this situation stronger and better than ever,” Trauth said.

Recommendations from the work groups will be reviewed by the President’s Cabinet by June 15 with a university plan ready for implementation July 1.

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