The 2000 film known as Almost Famous is a magical story loosely based on director Cameron Crowe’s real experiences as a teenage journalist for Rolling Stone. This Oscar winning film of “Best Original Screenplay” is now hitting Broadway as Crowe paints the abstract picture of rock and roll, from groupie relationships to the power of live music.
Set in 1970, actor Patrick Fugit plays the part of a 15 year old Crowe who falls in love with rock and roll after the secretive exchange of albums such as Tommy from his older, rebellious sister Anita, played by Zooey Deschanel. Following his musical awakening, Fugit stumbles into an unexpected position as he gets invited to follow fictional band, Stillwater, on tour. The plot thickens as Fugit’s character travels across the US in a tour bus, learning about love, showbiz and what it means to be a fan.
Although many will claim that rock and roll is dead, this film turned musical will return the nostalgic days of Zeppelin and Hendrix back to those who never even realized what they have missed. Iconic scenes in the film such as the band performing “Tiny Dancer” while on their tour bus is one that will weigh even heavier on the heart when experienced live.
Information on castings or dates of the musical have not yet been released from Columbia Live Stage, however Crowe gave a sneak peak of the future plans on his Twitter account last week. Keep an eye out for news on Crowe’s rendition of a time that speaks for those in the older generation to millennials learning the true meaning of rock and roll.
— Cameron Crowe (@CameronCrowe) September 21, 2018