5th Annual O.P. VetFest


5th Annual O.P. VetFest! O.P. Veteran is a local nonprofit with a mission to encourage and motivate Veterans by creating a fundraising and volunteer support system that empowers the Veteran nonprofit community. Throughout the year, O.P. Veteran hosts fundraising benefits for different Veteran nonprofits. Once a year they throw down O.P. VET FEST. The 5th Annual VetFest is October 30th at Old Settlers Park. Enjoy a day of food, drink, raffles, music from Shannon Book, Deanna Wheeler and more, engagement, and support! All to help bring the Veteran community in Austin together. This year O.P. VetFest is dedicated to the 433rd Airlift Wing.

Denny and Paul, “Rooster” and “Claymore”, stopped by Local Insights to invite you out to the 5th Annual O.P. VetFest. If you are a business that would like to help support this great event, contact O.P. Veteran today! Spread the word about the 5th Annual O.P. VetFest and make plans to be at Old Settlers Park on October 30th.

The goal of O.P. VetFest is introduce Veterans to services and avenues to pursue their post-military passion in order to ease their emotional transition back into civilian life.  The day is filled with countless organizations and veteran and patriot owned businesses that support Veterans, live veteran music, raffle prizes, door prizes and more! In 2021, O.P. Veteran celebrates 5 years of building connection through O.P. VetFest!
Make plans to attend the 5th Annual VetFest, Saturday, October 30th, at Old Settlers Park.

5th Annual O.P. VetFest


Check out some video from O.P. VetFest!



IG@O.P.Veteran– @BDOEROCKS – Fbook/BDOEROCKS – IG@BDOEROCKS – Fbook/ShannonBook – Fbook/OPVeteran –


Would you like to help support a child going through the Texas Foster Care System? Give them hope with a Care Pack from Carrying Hope. Hear all about it on this episode of Local Insights!

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